<Argumentative Essay>


"Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning."



People admire and worship those who succeeded and they fantasize about the lives and dream of living like them. Besides these renowned people are often emulated by teenagers as a role model. In terms of their success, we can easily think about the fundamental effort for success must be careful and cautious planning, not certain chances.


First of all, timely chances occur only for those who always prepared. Brilliant ideas, competency, outstanding knowledge in specific field can never be achieved without hard working. Doing nothing and just waiting someone help one succeed do not make sense at all. To sump up, every moment can be a chance and a good opportunity for those who are always well-prepared.


Second, hard working has relatively direct proportion relationship with success in certain fields such as academy. In contrary, when we think about the financial market, it is often the case that some people earn huge amount of money just thanks for stock. However, the risk of financial market is dramatically big and even cannot imagine. Even for the traders whose profession is to buy stock and sell it, it is always risky.


Assuming that we define success is 'authority' or 'money', I can say certainly that hard training and effort guarantee the success in every person's lives. Being careful and cautious planning outweigh taking chances and risks.