Oh my gadddd
Teacher,,,,this is not allowed to say private comments ^^; but I want to write!!!!! hehe...~!
from now on, I'll worship you :DDD
Wow. actually, your correction was so amazing and TOTALLY different from my poor poor essay that I felt I lied to the examiners..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋBecause there are many grammar errors and the ackward expression or sentences in the context, you might have time to check this. Im so sorry......;_(
The 2 sentences are minor thing.
1. I personally believe that there are many Korean companies, which are incorporated with big companies in Europe or America, take injutice loss and damage from big firms' tricky accounting strategy even though it is not Korean companies fault. So, I want to make it clear.
2. This is the internship program on OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) , So I thought I had better to mention
this organazation to the essay.
BUT, I erased them!!!! HAHAHA !! :D
I really really apprecieate for taking your time and concern of this!!!!! 감동....!!! ♡
If I want to write like you, or even close to you, I might be born again.....ㅠ.ㅜ
Thank you so much!!!!!! ^3^~♥