The film "Devil wears Prada" is about famous fashion called a fine article in the world.

Andria, a main actress who wants to be a writer.

That time she was looking for job opening, by chance as secretary on a fashion magazine and she opend her eyes about fashion and appearance.

The CEO threw her coats, bags to Andria's desk everyday and indicates everything that unreasonable orders.

For example, fly airplane when it is thunder and a heavy rain at night.

As time goes by, Andria who accomplished everything on request was proposed by CEO to go Paris together.


Paris is a a place ceo's second secretary really wants to go and tries on diet everyday so she worried about that.

In the end... The second secretary couldn't go there because of traffic accident.

She congratulated her upper man employee to promote at Paris with him.

But at official meeting, CEO announced her friend to improve not Andria's upper employee.

She disappointed a moment and thought her former days in a car to moving place

and she decided to return original life.

This movie shows a variety of clothes style.