I think every experience is important our life and it mkes us better life.

So I tried to experience various of things in my life like part timer when i was a student.

i was working at coffee shop which sells drinks and meat and one day three customer entered it altogether.

One of them  order shoutly Pork cutlet quickly, quickly , i am very hungry as soon as sitting on the sofa.

i ran into her who cook in the kitchen and told one customer wants to eaat right now.

after hearing from my speaking she said it is impossible because there are so many customer to wait some food.

Tell the customer, wait at least 10 minutes but i couldn't tell her it and i gave her some soup first.

But she said repeatly i am hungry , i can't wait for anymore. give in 3 minutes.

That time i was so angry and i want to speak out "get out" i am same person like you.

"Don't ignore me, don't hear your voice" but i didn't do that and only in mind.

Because i know every customers are kings and queens.

That's why i did bear on and on.

after that i realized everyone is different including me and sevice is different despite of same services for person.


teacher~ i can't be complete this writing^^ tomorrow i will write continuously.