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글 수 433
433 To Angela
6906   2010-06-24 2010-06-24 16:31
I really appreciate your recommendation. If you provide about five words, I will try to make some sentences using them. Thanks!  
432 To Angela A. 1
yujin park
6949   2010-07-02 2010-07-02 10:55
Hi ^^ I'm yujin. I'm very happy that meeting you. So applicate this calss, yesterday calling immediately. Ah, today my voice like sound sleepy, because I think, I have a slight cold. haha I think, I'...  
431 Hi debz! 1
6979   2010-01-20 2010-01-20 18:39
hi~ debz I have a question is mardi gras in brazil only? is above sentence right sentence? where is 'only'position?  
430 To Angela A.
yujin park
6997   2010-07-14 2010-07-15 10:02
Hi~ Long time no send diary to you. Sorry. The rainy season has come on the news. Today, I was suprised to hear about outage that the storm caused. Are you okay? How is the situation there? I ho...  
429 Hi, Linsay 1
7017   2010-03-03 2010-03-04 07:06
Hey, how have you been? I'm sorry for that I didn't regester your class again. Actually I had to change my class time, so I couldn't. Now I'm having classes at 11:00 pm with Reena. I feel h...  
428 To Angela A.
yujin park
7022   2010-07-05 2010-07-05 23:46
Hi, Angela! I was glad to talking with you. Expressing what I say, understanding what you say... etc. I have many problem, yet. But nowadays your teaching is interest about english to me. I just answe...  
427 To Marge!
7032   2010-05-31 2010-06-01 14:11
Hi ~ I am Jiwon I was pleased to meet you! In my opinion, our class will help me to develop my English. I have something to tell you. It is that I chose my English name! Actually, i liked na...  
426 To Angela A. 1
yujin park
7034   2010-07-04 2010-07-05 16:42
The weather is so hot. but do not rainy, so my feeling is good. hi, Angela. How was your today? I'm so busy. because this weekend, uncle's family visited my home during Satuday and Sunday. Uncle has ...  
425 To.Kattie 1
7034   2010-09-14 2010-09-14 23:02
Hi Kattie, I arrived at home. It took a long time because of trrafic jam. YEPUDA =예쁘다 ^^ Anyway, I doesn't took your E-mail. I think my E-mail couldn't catch your E-mail. TT I want to see ...  
424 *To Lindsay(17) 1
7039   2010-02-02 2010-02-05 18:18
See you tomorrow♡^^ A story playing the flute at night calls a snake has handed down. The book occupied a top place on many newspapers' best seller list. She thinks Murphy's law is slightly...  
423 To Angela A.
yujin park
7042   2010-08-02 2010-08-02 22:01
Hi~ Angela! How was your weekend? I think, you had a good time during vacation. I visited grandmother's house. I planned go playground with my cusin. But we played indoor. Because the weather is so ...  
422 To. Christine 1
7050   2010-05-17 2010-05-18 08:24
Dear Christine, Hi ~ :D I'm your new student, Nana. From our first class of today, I found you are faithful and deligent person who nicely manage both work and study. I'll appreciate your help a...  
421 To Hazel 1
7056   2010-07-27 2010-07-29 11:08
Dear teacher hazel. Hello. my name is yeounwoo. nice to meet you. Today is our 3th class. Still , I don't know how english commuication study way . english writing is mess, but I belive you can my ...  
420 To Marci 1
7057   2010-08-20 2010-08-23 09:44
Dear Marci. We talked about Won Bin's movie this morning. I want to watch that movie with my boyfried. But he has to work whole this weekend. So I can't watch the movie this weekend, maby I can...  
419 To debz~ 1
7059   2010-01-14 2010-01-14 22:41
Hi! debz I have a queston ! I rode sleigh with my friend is above construction right gramatically?  
418 *To Lindsay(5)..(H.W2) 1
7061   2010-01-07 2010-01-08 14:32
Hi~ Unit 1 : Festivals - Mardi Gras Tina is watching a video shot of Mardi Gras in Rio de Janeiro. Mardi Gras is that people wear costumes and dance to the beat of the drums. She wishes she were t...  
417 To,,,Janet P ^^ 1
7062   2010-06-22 2010-06-22 19:32
Hi...this is JJune~~~ Thank you for good class everday, and I ask you to correct a few senteces below..^^ 1. resentment : I feel resentment to my friend about revealing my secret that I am strapped...  
416 To Hazel 1
7064   2010-07-26 2010-07-27 11:45
Hi. Hazel teacher. my name is yeounwoo. nice to meet you. today, second class study. uhm... first class than many development. I am so happy. zzzzzz Hazel teacher, Please tell me all this wrong, my engli...  
415 *To Lindsay(20) 1
7065   2010-02-23 2010-02-24 13:43
Hi~Lindsay! Today was sunny though a little windy but it was like a spring day.. I was surprised hehe^^ Reading 10 books during vacation was a compulsory work from a middle school. A large numb...  
414 to Nelda^^ 3
Andrea Heo
7065   2010-06-04 2010-06-04 19:29
Good afternoon. I'm Andrea. Do you remember me? Actually, today, I have a question about the sentences in English. Below sentences need to be correct. Please read blow and find it :) "This...