Good morning!!

I have several... questions:) oh...too many..ㅋㅋ


<Hunger Game> ever in your faver--> What does this mean???

2. Look out of place--> Does this mean look different?

3. We  might do a tad better elsewhere, but we make an effort to keep on good terms with Gresy Sae.--> "Keep on good terms" means keep a good relatioship?

4. She just keeps to herself--> She keeps her confidence???


<Today's Newspater>

1. Granted, given the ease with which the word is bandied about by the press, its easy to overcstimate just how "multiculural" korea has become-->  Cannot understnad "________"

2. Meanwhile the race thinking pervading the official rhetoric has been ignored - as has the imperial Japanese provenance of so much of it, like the talk in recent weeks of defending Kim Jong-un with "human bombs" if necessary. --> What does "____" mean??


답변해 주시면 감사하겠습니당~~^^


ps. During this weekend, 쌤 조언에 따라서 여유를 가지고 쉬었더니 훨씬 Refreshed 됐어요!! :DD ~~THX..!


유미 씨!!

공부를 잘 했어요.. ^^  질문 있으면 언제든지 말해주세요~~^^

1. be ever in your favor - it means you will always be in the state of being approved or you will be treated with special regard

2. out of place - it has 3 meanings depending on how you will use it

                           a. not in the proper place - Ex: The book I wanted was out of place, and I almost did not find it. How did the furniture in this room get out of place?

                           b. inappropriate - Ex: That kind of behavior is out of place at a party. Your crude language is out of place.

                           c. awkward and unwelcome - Ex: I feel out of place in the party so I went home.

3. be on good terms with somebody - to have a good/friendly relationship with someone

4. keep to oneself - has 2 meanings too

                         a. to avoid/shun the company of others - ex. The new student keeps to herself.

                        b. withhold information - ex. I kept your little secret to myself all these years

5. Granted, given the ease with which the word is bandied about by the press - this means the press has easily spread (pass, bandy) the word or the truth to people

bandy - to pass from one to another or back and forth; give and take; trade; exchange: to bandy blows; to bandy words

multicultural - represented by several different cultures or cultural  elements: a multicultural society.

6. human bombs - it means they use people to carry out some attacks (terrorism) by surgically implanting some bombs to their body

너도 주말에 꼭 쉬세요~ ^^;;;