Unit 1-5 : The service Road.


After you start from Starting point, you would reach welcome center on your right side. Just go forward, then you will see education center on the right and Daignosis center on the left side. Pass them and you will arrive at three way road. You have to go right way along curve. Then you cross the bridge and go straight not to turn right which leading to library. Go straight forward until you reach child care. Then you can see the tree on your front side. Then turn right around the tree. You will arrive at Recreation & Camps.   



Unit 2-1 Bar graph


We analized ncome distribution on 6 areas. First, the Ease asia section, Income of the poores 20% compose only 5.2% compared to the Richest’s 48.5%. The gap between Poorest and Richest is 43.3%. In Europe case, gap is less than East asia’s case. The poorest percentage is 6.6% more than Ease asia’s 5.2%. And Richest point is 41.1% less than 48.5% in Ease asia’s richest case. It means that in Europe the gap between Rich and Poor is alleviated. The biggest gap between Poor and Rich is Sub-Saharan Africa. The Poor and Rich gap in that country is almost 60.9%. And the smallest gap between Poor and Rich is south Asia. It only shows 33% gap.



Please correct it using diverse expression. My expression is very limited.

