I have heard all the compliments about the writer, Alain de Botton

He is said to have very distinguished insight into ordianry events or things all of us feel but can rarely express in words.


And a few days ago, I borrowed one of his famous works. The name of book is THE ROMANTIC MOMENT

Its story shows readers the process of falling love, feeling bored to each other and finally being seperated.


But the book is saying not just romance. it is saying how people make relationships each other and fudamental feelings as an individual.

I think his prestige comes from the very his ability that captures the special meanings from not special topics.

(and his name 'Botton' sounds like 'ordinary' in korean. Is it coincidence?)


Even though I don't have many experiences to go out with boyfrineds , I really sympathize all the thinking and mind of protagonists he depicted.

When I read it all, I realized more deeply about human beings and keep it in mind that I should not be self-centered or vanited.


And I'm gonna read all of his works one by one.