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글 수 433
13 What's the difference between 'relation' and 'relationship' ?
16830   2009-08-14 2009-08-14 11:17
hello ailyn I just realized that I'm always confused when I use these two words. so please tell me the difference betwen them. thanks always. bye!  
12 What are the qualities of a good teacher? 2
15573   2009-08-14 2009-08-14 10:43
Frankly speaking, I believe I have never met a good teacher in my life. If my pastors could be teachers, both of them are the best teachers ever. I think good teachers are always honest to their...  
11 In terms of schoolwork, what was the most difficult thing when you were a high school student? 4
17032   2009-08-14 2009-08-14 09:47
I remember history was the most difficult for me to learn when I was a high school student. I admit that I am not good at memorizing historical events. And to be honest, I was not interested i...  
10 Talk about your high school experiences, what is wrong with it?
19003   2009-08-13 2009-08-13 18:17
It is not happy to remember and talk about my life back in high school. As you have already known, Korea is notorious for harsh education systems. I was also a victim of Korean education systems. When...  
9 What sort of Korea would you like to see your children living in? 2
16414   2009-08-13 2009-08-13 17:52
First and foremost, I wish Korea would be a unified country free of threats from North Korea. Until two Koreas exist, Korean people might not live in true peace. Secondly, I hope Korea will b...  
8 What sort of culture do you hope your children will grow in?
15374   2009-08-13 2009-08-13 17:51
First and foremost, I hope that my children will grow in culture that respects diversity of thoughts and lifestyles. Koreans often seem that they are judgemental when they are mentioning about others...  
7 What do you hope for your children? 2
18535   2009-08-10 2009-08-14 10:56
First and foremost, I hope that my children will be in good health. I believe physical health is the first condition of happiness because we couldn't do anything unless we are healthy. Secondly, ...  
6 Question from my friend, please help ! 1
20586   2009-08-06 2009-08-06 01:16
ei please check this sentence one of my friends asked me if this was right ======================================================================================= I'm sending this to make ...  
5 Ageism. What's wrong with young people? 2
19241   2009-07-30 2009-07-30 09:27
I’m a 14-year-old girl who often hears negative comments directed at teenagers as a whole. The other day I was sitting in a bookstore, quietly reading, when an employee commented to a customer that "so...  
4 Ailyn, here is good info for you. 1 file
21109   2009-07-29 2009-07-29 10:29
It was nice talking with you for a long time minutes ago. Here is good info for you. Ailyn, you can listen to a radio program in English aired in Korea. Please visit http://tbsefm.seoul.kr/. And ...  
3 Could we talk about this topic? 1
22453   2009-07-27 2009-07-28 08:19
Could we talk about this topic? Dear Abby, I would like your opinion about something. I am a single dad with two kids. I work 60 hours a week to support them. I'm involved with the Boy Scouts, the...  
2 I have a question. please answer T.T 1 7
24476   2009-07-06 2009-07-16 13:02
ei my younger brother has a question from his mid term english exam, which is "we took six hours to go there" as long as I know, "it took six hours for us to go there." is the right one, but I thi...  
1 ailyn~~ check this sentence please T.T 1 2
19282   2009-06-26 2009-06-29 00:52
ei~ I've got a question. check if this sentence is correct. "The death of michael jackson is all over the news"