Dear Ailyn,

This is the part of abstract in my doctoral thesis paper. 

Auditory-cued fear conditioning has been widely applied for the study of fear. Because the amygdala has been known as the center of fear, there was the evidence that auditory-cued fear conditioning induces the change on neural responses in the amygdala (ref). According to the previous studies, fear conditioning-induced long-term potentiation (LTP) occurs on the level of synapses in the amygdala. Long-term potentiation is considered as the substrate of memory (ref). To confirm learning-induced LTP, many researchers showed LTP occlusion effect that fear-conditioned rats blocked to induce LTP on the brain slices because fear conditioning makes already LTP in the amygdala. Thus, these reports suggest that fear conditioning produces LTP in the amygdala. Although a series of studies propose the molecules required for LTP in the amygdala, the precise procedure of LTP is poorly understood.  

Thank you for your reading.