Q. Sports encourage competition rather than cooperation. Therefore, sports should not be encouraged at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


         Throughout our history, sports always exist no matter which form they are. They have been sometimes manipulated by political purpose or utilized to release stress. This is possible because sports can make all involving members cooperate and at the same time it can encourage competition among them. Personally I believe sports largely contain cooperative components rather than competitive ones.


           First, it can boost the bondage among all the members while exercising together. By competing other team, team members can make their teamwork stronger and cooperative power encouraged. Especially, some sports items which need a group of team members such as soccer, baseball or basketball can realize this role more.


           Second, while making strategies for win the game, players can learn thoughtful consideration to other players and pay more attention to them, not just focus on individual play. This is because a single person’s capability affects little to win the game on one’s own. His or her efforts bring little improvement to the game and sometimes, if an individual does arbitrary behavior, the effect of that decision might return to the team a lot in a negative way. Therefore by making a group and playing together, they can learn how to cooperate within a group.


           To sum up, while playing sports with a team, people can learn more about the cooperation rather than competition. They can experience strong bond with the members and get the social skill among them.