Hello im angella~
It was a nice lesson today`s morning
Im so happy to meet you who are very nice teacher.
Anyway, I have a request to you.
Can we do 2 lessons of textbook in a day?
I maybe have a job interview next week.
So I wanna do a lot of interview if it is possible within 2 weeks.
So I wanna do 2 lessons tomorrow.
There are 2 Questions I wanna do.
Q2: Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?
Q3: How do you manage stress in your daily work?
I wish you can see this message before my class. If you see this message please notice me by a comment of this writing board.
Thank you for your caring for me
And please correct grammatical errors in this writing.
From Angella
The lesson was nice this morning
I'm so happy to meet you. You are very nice teacher.
Anyway, I have a request to you.
Can we do 2 lessons from the textbook in a day?
I maybe have a job interview next week.
So I wanna do a lot of interview if it is possible within 2 weeks.
So I wanna do 2 lessons tomorrow.
There are 2 Questions I wanna do.
Q2: Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?
Q3: How do you manage stress in your daily work?
I wish you can see this message before my class. If you see this message, please notice me by writing a comment inthis writing board.
Thank you for caring for me
And please correct grammatical errors in this writing.
From Angella