Here is full paragraph.


Student: What about the serpent in the Garden of Eden?

Professor Christine Hayes: Great. That's what you get to talk about. Wonderful question. Well what about when Eve is tempted by the serpent? Who is the serpent? What is he doing? What's going on? What is Kaufman claiming? Okay. That's exactly the kind of stuff that should be popping into your head----What about...what about?--okay, and in section, you're going to be discussing exactly that story. Okay? And that's one of those texts... and in a minute if I haven't at the end of a lecture, ask again if I haven't kind of gotten to part of an answer to your question. Okay? But again, this emphasis on evil as a moral choice--think of Genesis 4, where God warns Cain, who's filled with anger and jealousy and is thinking about doing all kinds of horrible things to his brother, and God says, "Sin couches at the door; / Its urge is toward you, / Yet you can be its master" [Gen 4:7b]. This is a question of moral choice.

