1-2. Descriptive essay
1-1. A rainy day
It is cloudy in the sky and rains heavily. Between skyscrapers, there's a narrow street. On the street, there are few cars and people. A white plastic bag is on the roadway. A man, holding an umbrella, is stepping on the sidewalk. We cannot see his face, but the person must be a man because he is in his black suit. A car is coming toward, which, I guess, caused the men to step up to the sidewalk. The light from the car is brightening the way. One other guy, in a gray trench coat, is going to the other end of the street. We can only see his back in distance. In general, the picture looks a gloomy.
1-2. Alone in the jungle
A leopard is on one branch of a tree. It looks like it is in a jungle with many trees. It's a little bit dark due to the packed trees which are blocking the sunlight. The leaves from the trees are green and look fresh. However, the leopard looks tense because it is either looking for a food or paying attention to its enemies. Ironically, the picture looks both peaceful and tense at the same time. Anyway, it must be very quiet there.
Hi~ Ailyn.
I know that you feel sorry because you think that you wake me up in the morning.
However, I hope you not to feel sorry about that. These days, I don't have any fixed schedule which makes me
really lazy. One of the reasons why I registered the phone-English at that early time is to make myself diligent.
So, please understand my drowsy voice; I actually am really helped by your human alarm : >
Descriptive essay was a little bit difficult for me because I am not that good at sensing details.
Have a nice weekend and talk to you on Monday~
A leopard is on a branch of a tree. It looks like it is in a jungle with many trees. The leaves from the trees are green and they look fresh. However, the leopard looks tense because it is either looking for a food or paying attention to its enemies. Ironically, the picture looks both peaceful and tense at the same time. Anyway, it must be very quiet there.
hello there~
You don't have to fret. These are not bad descriptive essays. Let's talk more tomorrow how you can make it much better. Have a good night~!