2nd Assignment


Unit 2-1. A rainy day



What can be seen in the picture?

What is the essence of each detail?

How do these details relate to each other?



It is a heavy rainy day. The background of this picture is a little bit gloomy and dark, and its tone of color is gray. I think this photo was taken from a backstreet of a city because of high buildings and paved road. This picture focuses on a man who wears black suits and gloves, and he is holding a back-colored umbrella and bundle of newspapers. He is just stepping his left foot on a sidewalk and there are some people walking on the road. At the both sides of the man, there are an unknown white substance and a car on a driveway. Even if the white thing is located in front of this picture, I do not know what it is exactly: it could be a newspaper someone dropped away while running this street.