These questions are examples of questions in interview. I would like to ask you to teach with these questions to prepare my job interview. Please help me:)

01. Personal qualities

- Tell me about yourself.

- Imagine that today is the first ever day of your English class as a teacher. How would you introduce yourself to students in English?

- How has the Internet changed the way you spend your free time?

02. Teacher Qualities

-What skills do you bring to the teaching profession?

-What is the main reason why you wanted to become an elementary teacher?

-What quality do you have that would enhance the Korean education System?

-What do you like most about teaching?

03. Experience in life

-What have you learned from your mistakes?

-Describe an experience in your life when you realized you wanted to become a teacher.

04. Teacher training

-Tell us about a difficult situation you have encountered and how you resolved it during your training program.

-What was the best/worst moment during your teacher training.

05. Teaching strategies and Methods.

-How would you challenge a slow learner and an advanced learner within same class?

-How will you teach a student who doesn't like English?

-What is the most important thing for a watermelon with your students. What clues would you give to the children?

-What would you do if you didn't know the answer to a student's question?

06. Classroom management

- In your class you have a disruptive student who does mot respond to your commands or directions. What do you do?

- Give an example of several commands in English to correct a student's behaviour.

-What would you do if you had sleepy students in your class after lunch.

07. Communication skills.

- How would you approach a co-worker to complain about the noise coming from his or her classroom?

- Your student Min-Soo is sick and absent from school, and you call his mum. What would you say to her?

08. Korean Education system.

-Describe a problem about Korean education system.

-Do you think that teachers are losing their authorities in the classroom? If so, why?

-What effects do private institutions have on the educational system?

09. Culture and Korea.

-Describe a Korean custom to a foreigner.

-Tell a foreigner about your favourite place to travel to in korea.

10. Hot topics

-What is your opinion on cross cultural marriage?

-Describe the changes Korea wil face over the mext 20 years.

-Do you think children spend too much time on computer?