Hi Lindsay~~

When we were talking on the phone,

what I wanted to tell you is that


I have recieved a scolarship from a foundation and

my teaching work is kind of a scolarship system.

It is a program which aids poor children's learning.


So They support me and I support poor children. It's wonderful, isn't it?

I'm sincerely thankful for it.

It is finished next month.



I'm teaching 8 students, well, one of them is special.

I took charge of him not only as a teacher but as a mentor .

so we share a lot of experiences

and the time when we are together apply to volunteer work.


I had to fill 36-hour volunteer work for a school assignment.

Owing to him, I could it easily..^^


Do you understand??


It's very hard to convey these story on the phone..

I'm so saaaaaaaaad....T-T...


 When can I talk with you freely...........................................................................


(Correct please..^^)