* People will spend less time for their housework in twenty years.


 Many people expect that they might need less time for cooking or preparing food in twenty years. As we are experiencing at this moment, the world is changing in very impressive rates; and, companies are coining various kinds of housewares to give convenience for housework. Nevertheless, I do not agree with the idea that those will save our housework time in twenty years because of the two reasons.


 Firstly, the statistics shows that it does not help in saving time for housework. According to the scientists, the advances in housewares such as vacuum machines or washing machines have no benefits to save our time; rather it increases the overall time for housework in recent decades. This astounding result is caused by several reasons: as they were able to save their time, people were looking for the better results in their housework and did more works which were in other expert’s territory. For example, if you were washing clothes twenty years ago, you might not need to use wool washing shampoo. Plus, you would not try to do it by yourself but might give them to a cleaning house. For this reason, even though the time for a single task among the housework was decreased, the overall time for those was not decreased.


 Secondly, I believe most of the epoch-making innovations were already been made. In other words, there is no room for saving more time in our house works. For example, even the company made a new version of the vacuum machine; it sucks dusts better but nothing. Likewise, I expect that most of the new machines in next decades would not be able to create new paradigms but improve its performance or design.


 In summary, I think people are less likely to save their time for their housework in the future. Not only because there are little chance to make a new innovation in housewares but also because history shows that it does not useful for saving our time.