I have to prepare English presentation.

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Ourselves binded with twelve earthly branches.

Koreans have the zodiac sign by each of ones borning year. Zodiac sign is made with animals, is called 'twelve Earthly branches'. The number of twelve merges with meaning of a year twelve month, time, position, and twelve animals, so, it completes twelve earthly branches.

Pursuant to coming down, when the old Sakyamuni finished the world, it called all of animals but, only twelve animals crowd. At that time, a mouse(the Sign of the Rat), a cattle(the Sign of the Ox), a tiger(the Sign of the Tiger), a rabbit(the Sign of the Hare), a dragon(the Sign of the Dragon), a snake(the Sign of the Snake), a horse(the Sign of the Horse), a sheep(the Sign of the Sheep), a monkey(the Sign of the Monkey), a hen(the Sign of the Cook), a dog(the Sign of the Dog), and a pig(the Sign of the Boar) arrived in this order and it becomes twelve earthly branches these days. The rest, there are stories handed down, and there is one of views when the Han dynasty people correspond twelve earthly branches of year of birth with animals, so farmers who are unlettered became easy to memorize.

If Korean nation, it is common th ask that the other person's the zodiac sign and blood group. Understand character and liking of her or his with the zodiac sign, and then understand common features or different points with oneself, so make interesting stories or make friendly relations of each other. Especially when we look Buddhist people, they divine their today's fortune or this year's fortune by seeing days of twelve animals which correspond to every month, and every day.

Like this, our country use lots of twelve earthly branches, but the West use lots of twelve constellation, and it can be different point of the West's cultures and the East's cultures.

It had already started India, but I think that twelve the zodiac signs handed down are doing well medium function that bind me, friends, family, and by extension our all of society in the present time. So, my the Year of the Tiger friends were born in 1998 that I was born are very special existence to me like my family.

By knowing twelve earthly branches and also my intimate people's twelve earthly branches, and I think having feeling connected buy one is only ours, and only our cultures. Each face is different, but one national only our cultures that are connected by twelve earthly branches succeed and develop in the future, too, so I think it will bind hard our race. Side by side, wi should admit the West's cultures that use lots of twelve constellation and with care mind, and then wi will ripe man of culture.

The above, I will now conclude my presentation.