Good evening Tessa


This is danko who has class with you in the morning.

I have written some sentence, which may confuse you because the before,after sentence are omitted.

A,B are name of company.

Could you please review and comment on grammar and expression? I appriciate it in advance.


1. A picture came from the site was shown as safety moment at the table.

This showed a man who was spray working at the below where gouging work spattered hot chips to below.

It is very important to be noticed to releated group when doing that kind of work in advance.


2. B will confirm which type of documents and packages  are able to be submitted by multi sheet.


3. B and H agreed to have a meeting before raising EQ.


4. B and H had a review meeting to discuss 8 outstanding lines to be required with slope and then 6 of the 8 lines were resolved and 2 lines to be resolved.


5. B confirmed that the additional analysis or verification on this matter is not required, but the reports need to be updated with a small technical notes on the fire analysis and the structure analysis report for the reflecting the safety factor from 2 to 6 for applying PFP.


6. B requested H to place order for the structural and piping material by preliminary MTO including contingency because the time would be much more valuable at this stage of project that the commercial impact by cariation with final MTO.


7. H will remain until getting B's official instruction after clarifying the requirements by safety engineers.


8. B requested H to issue te updated P&IDs. H agreed to issue the topsides P&ID by end of Nov. and to be informed the plan for Hull.


-The end.